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Fiduciary Financial Advice Is More Important Than Ever

It’s not the same world it was a decade ago.

Investors today are faced with more challenges than ever. Markets are not behaving the way they used to as fiscal and monetary policies continue to have unintended consequences. Investors from all walks of life are asking the same questions: When will I be able to retire? How do I ensure my income will last as long as I do? How will I manage the rising costs of medical services? How will changes in taxes and inflation impact my plans for the future? Ultimately, these questions are all a different way of asking the real question that is on everyone’s mind: So, what do I do with my money?

It all begins with change... When life changes, money changes. When money changes, life changes.


Why 360 Wealth Management in Scottsdale

A 360-degree view and vision for your finances.

Complete Financial Planning
We take a comprehensive view of your complete financial picture to develop a deeper understanding of what is required to achieve your goals. Imagine your own personal CFO creating a cash flow statement, net worth statement, ledger, balance sheet and estate planning flowchart just for you, and updating it every year. We don’t know of any other advisory firm that’s as thorough as we are.

Your Financial Advocate
We take the time to understand what you want out of life—for yourself and for your family. We have years of experience collaborating with clients like you, and we understand that unexpected events and life changes can impact your dreams and aspirations. After all, when life changes, money changes and when money changes, life changes. As your financial advocate, your success is our success.

Technology and Security For You
We employ a comprehensive planning approach combined with sophisticated technology designed to optimize your results. We believe your financial information should be organized, up to date, easy to understand and accessible to you whenever you want, from wherever you are. Our wealth management system employs the most advanced security features and protocols to keep your data safe, private and secure 24/7/365.

A True Fiduciary Financial Advisor
360 Wealth Management in Scottsdale is a true fiduciary firm—a fee-based financial advisor legally bound to do what’s in your best interests at all times. The firm’s founder, Bill Wilkinson, started out on Wall Street as a broker making commissions on equity trades. He deliberately chose to structure his firm differently in order to do what’s best for clients, partnering with 55 Institutional Partners, LLC as co-advisors.

Unique Portfolio Design and Options
360 Wealth Management in Scottsdale is a co-advisor with our chosen partner: 55 Institutional Partners, LLC, also known as 55ip. Of course, we always base your portfolio design on your financial objectives, time horizon to retirement, risk tolerance and other critical factors. But we go a step further. Our portfolio allocation process is divided between a Core portfolio and a Thematic portfolio based on your personal interests.

Efficient Tax and Estate Planning
Tax planning is important now as well as for later in life. Increasing your net worth can be aided by timely tax mitigation strategies. As part of what we do, every month our co-advisor, 55i, performs tax loss harvesting which has saved some of our clients as much as 40% net. For the long-term, we can help you find tax efficiencies that can help make your retirement income higher and your legacy larger.

Retirement Planning
Retirement planning relies on effective retirement income planning. How will you begin draining your 401(k) and other accounts without triggering high income taxes and without running out of money in retirement, when you no longer have a paycheck coming in? How and when will you file for Social Security? There are many risks and considerations when you enter retirement, and we can help.


We Look Forward to Being Your Lifetime Financial Advisor

At 360 Wealth Management, we are dedicated to the lifetime success of you and your loved ones, which includes being by your side during transitional moments in your life. No matter what changes come your way, we’ll work together to help you move forward with confidence.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

― Henry David Thoreau


What We Mean by Comprehensive Planning

Your personal financial ecosystem.

We start by helping you identify your goals and evaluate where you are relative to those goals. We look at every possible aspect of your financial life, from your 401(k) to your mortgage to your taxes and more—your entire personal financial ecosystem. We evaluate your options and recommend strategies to get you where you want to be. But we don’t stop there. We help you implement the recommendations. Then, we continually monitor your financial situation to ensure you remain on track to achieve your financial dreams.

Your Personal Financial Ecosystem

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

― Henry Ford


Well-Being, Well Done

A comprehensive view of your complete financial picture.

A deeper understanding is required to help you achieve your goals. Your well-being is a dynamic state, ebbing and flowing as your life moves. It’s a very personal experience, one which you create and protect through the choices you make. There are aspects you can feel and those you can count on. Both are equally important. There are no shortcuts to success, and we commit to our clients for a lifetime.

Our Planning Process Can Help You
Achieve Your Financial Dreams


We Invite You to Make 360 Wealth Management Your Family Office